Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Penning down Success

Well, we all look forward to a change in our lives. We seek this change from the past, as we slowly tread in to the future which is far from certainty. You yearn for it whether you are displeased or contented with your present. But whatever, I don’t think its clichéd to say change is the most constant thing on earth. Yes, it is inevitable. But wouldn’t this change be a celebrated one if it could take you to a new future that you always wanted for yourself. Right now my position is such that I am on the verge of dissolving into that much sought-after change. A change from a past that was once inescapable and overflowing with monotony and the macabre of failure.

I owe this change to my success in civil service exams which has taken four grueling years of my life. They say aim for the sky so at least you’ll land on roof-top. That is exactly the kind of success I have attained at this juncture of my journey to which I bought a ticket way back at a time when I was a little boy. I do not want to drive in to you a feeling that I unwelcome this success though I was unsatisfied to see my name at the back-end of the rank list. Yes , I was placed at 700th rank out of the total selection of 875. It took me a while to realize that I have not lost it altogether. It gave me more strength when I gathered that I could make into a service which was only my fourth preference after IAS, IFS and IPS. The aura of success was slowly starting to envelop me.

This is indeed a change for me. Success, instead of failure. Though the change is not going to be a sudden one like it always is. Because I am not ushered into the new future in a blink of an eye but I am only crawling into it. The reason is I have an unfinished agenda and my destination is still to go. The journey will have to go on. Yes, I need to give the exams again to realize my long cherished ambition. Reach the sky I must. Of course, the change is sure to occur though I may have to carry the burden of my past in to the new future. But I just feel that the burden has shed some of its weight. And the change has definitely brought lot of joy into my life and the lives of my loved ones. Hey Change!! I welcome you with open arms and embrace you. And I kiss the success gently with a heart wanting more.