Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Just like that...

Dear friend,

I understand that you have been through the whole gamut of emotions in life- from joy to despair, from excitement to frustration and from love to hatred. I know at this moment you are feeling cynical about life and the entire people around you. You are slowly starting to realize that world is not how you desired it to be. In fact, I want to tell you that thinking of a world that is outright selfless shows lack of clarity of mind and immaturity.

I gather why you feel this way- as if people are here to pull you down and waiting for a chance to annoy you. I know how nice you have been to people around you. And I even know some have told you that you go beyond your limits to help others. Now I’m not saying that’s bad and you quit acting all goodie-goodie. You feel people show their back and they are besotted with their own little things when you are in need of some help. Believe me when I say this!! This is life and that’s how life puts you through pains and pressure. It tests your tolerance and those principles that you want to carry along with you in life. It’s the battle between the treacherous life (as you conceive it to be) and your principles. You must fight it down with courage and perseverance. All alone. Just don’t give up!!

My dear pal, people are not to be blamed. It is only time for you now better than ever before to recognize eccentricities among people and to say yourself “It takes all sorts to make a world”.

U know who I am!!


  1. i do get the emotions u name..but i cant figure out who u are :D

  2. wow..sounds like tis letter's written for me.. :/

  3. Hey!!
    That's exactly what I wanted to hear from a real pal..
    But I still can't figure out who u r..
    Btw.. nice blog :)
    U r blogrolled on mine from now on...
