Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Such a relief...

Sweat drenched my clothes
While I walked among the bunch of blokes
Prayed to god for the clouds of relief
He had a different plan or so was the belief

Days passed on with no change
While no relief in near range
People sulked and earth parched
Ponds dried and petals cried

Yet another day Sun beamed wrath
It went west as I walked on the path
Clouds turned grey all of a sudden
Soon became the earth moisture laden


  1. Kalakreenga gugan... The poem was great..

  2. Beautiful are the days
    When the bright sunshine peeks through the leaves of my peepal tree
    Sweet are the drops of rain
    When they quenches the thirst of dry spell casted on my studies

    Wandering in the muddy lanes of Rajendra Nagar
    Sipping hot tea at the stall near Vajiram
    What on earth gives such a satisfaction
    To a soul which is working for its ambition

  3. good one gugan. i could feel i am sweating. well done.

  4. Cool vent-out. knocking on the doors of eternity???
